One of the most common causes of low back pain is poor sitting posture. Improper position puts strain on the back, excessive pressure on the joints, muscles, and discs, causing pain.
Reduce back pain with proper sitting posture.
Medicial News Today suggest you can improve posture and achieve a proper sitting position, as result reducing back pain by:
- keeping feet flat or rest them on either the floor or a footrest
- avoiding crossing knees or ankles
- maintaining a small gap between the back of the knees and the chair
- positioning knees at the same height or slightly lower than the hips
- placing ankles in front of the knees
- relaxing the shoulders
- keeping the forearms and knees parallel to the floor where possible
- holding elbows at the sides creating an L-shape in the arms
- sitting up straight and looking forward without straining the neck
- keeping the back against the chair, or using a backrest or cushion if there are places where the back does not comfortably meet the chair, especially in the lower back region
- avoiding sitting for long periods at a time, ideally taking at least a 10-minute break for every hour of sitting
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